Search Consolidated Public Statutes
Consolidated Public Statutes
Consolidated to December 10, 2024, except as otherwise indicated.
Most, if not all, of the current public statutes are listed below, whether or not proclaimed in force. A very few local and private statutes are included. The listed statutes are consolidated to the date indicated above (except as otherwise indicated below) excluding spent, inoperative or unproclaimed provisions and without regard to their constitutional validity. Amending statutes are separately listed if in force and not yet consolidated with the statutes they amend. Amendments not in force are not included and not separately listed. Repealed statutes are not listed. Links are included to all unproclaimed new public statutes from the 1995-96 and subsequent sessions (unless repealed, spent or inoperative).
NOTE - These electronic versions of the statutes are provided for your convenience and personal use only and may not be copied for the purpose of resale in this or any other form. Formatting of these electronic versions may differ from the official, printed versions. Where accuracy is critical, please consult official sources.
For all public, private and local statutes (including amending statutes) from the 1995-96 and subsequent sessions, whether or not repealed, spent or inoperative, refer to bills and statutes. They are not consolidated.
The Interpretation Act applies to all statutes. In particular, note that the headers (formerly marginal notes) which appear (left justified and boldfaced) at the beginning of each Section are not part of the statutes, being added subsequent to their enactment for convenience of reference only. They should not be confused with any headings which may be present (centre justified) preceding some Sections and are part of the statute.
NOTE ON SEARCHING - The consolidated public statutes search engine does not search statutes (1) marked with an asterisk, (2) labelled "not proclaimed in force" (in their entirety) or (3) labelled "not consolidated". Some of these can be separately searched using another search engine.
- Acadia Trust Company Dissolution Act
- Accessibility Act
- Accountability in Economic Development Assistance Act
- Achd Fonndas Colaisde na Gàidhlig (Gaelic College Foundation Act)
- Adoption Records Act
- Adult Capacity and Decision-making Act
- Adult Learning Act
- Adult Protection Act
- Advancing Nova Scotia Opportunities Act*
- Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act
- Age of Majority Act
- Agricultural Marshland Conservation Act
- Agricultural Weed Control Act
- Agriculture and Marketing Act
- Agriculture and Rural Credit Act
- Agrologists Act
- AIDS Advisory Commission Act
- Aircraft Security Interests Act (1988, c. 3) (not proclaimed in force)
- Alexander Graham Bell Day Act
- All Saints Springhill Hospital Gifts Act
- Alternative Penalty Act
- Amateur Sports Advisory Council Act
- Ambulance Services Continuation (2013) Act
- Amusement Devices Safety Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Anatomy Act
- Angling Act
- Animal Health and Protection Act
- Animal Protection Act
- Anti-idling Act
- Apology Act
- Applied Science Technology Act
- Apportionment Act
- Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 4-6 (in force April 1, 2025) - Appropriations Act
1998* 1999* 2000* 2001* 2002* 2003* 2004* 2005* 2006* 2007* 2008* 2009* (amended 2010, c. 2*, s. 85) 2010* (amended 2010, c. 2*, s. 86) 2011* 2012* 2013* 2014* 2015* 2016* 2017* 2018* 2019* 2020* 2021* 2022* 2023* 2024* - Arbitration Act
- Arbor Day Act
- Architects Act
- Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Act
- Artists Municipal Tax Exemption Act
- Arts Council Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Arts Nova Scotia Act
- Assessment Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 7 (in force April 1, 2025) - Assets Management and Disposition Act
- Assignments and Preferences Act
- Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act
- Atlantic Provinces Pavilion Limited, An Act to Incorporate (1967, c. 4) (not consolidated)
- Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority Act
- Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Act
- Auditor General Act
- Baby Chick Protection Act
- Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company Act, The
- Battery Point in the County of Lunenburg, An Act to Enable the Governor in Council to Sell and Convey Certain Lands Situate near (1962, c. 15) (not consolidated)
- Battery Point Lands Act
- Beaches Act
- Beaches and Foreshores Act
- Bee Industry Act
- Bell Museum Act
- Beneficiaries Designation Act
- Bills of Lading Act
- Biodiversity Act
- Bituminous Shale Conservation Act (1974, c. 2) (not proclaimed in force)
- Blind Persons' Rights Act
- Blind Workers' Compensation Act
- Boat Harbour Act
- Body Armour Control Act
- Bowater Mersey Pulp and Paper Investment (2011) Act
- Boxing Authority Act (see Combat Sports Authority Act)
- Build Nova Scotia Act
- Builders' Lien Act
- Building Access Act
- Building Code Act
- Building Societies Act
- Business Electronic Filing Act
- Canada and United Kingdom Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments Act
- Canada Electric Company, Limited, An Act Relating to (1963, c. 2) (not consolidated)
- Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation (Nova Scotia) Act
- Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Appreciation Act
- Canadian Forces Reservists Protection Act
- Canadian Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
- Canadian Information Processing Society of Nova Scotia Act
- Canadian Legion Act
- Cancer Survivors Day Act
- Cannabis Control Act
- Cannabis Tax Act
- Canso Causeway Act
- Cansteel Corporation Act
- Cape Breton Barristers' Society Act
- Cape Breton Industrial Assistance Act
- Cape Breton University Act
- Cemeteries and Monuments Protection Act
- Cemeteries Protection Act (see Cemeteries and Monuments Protection Act)
- Cemetery and Funeral Services Act
- Cemetery Companies Act
- Central Trust Company Act
- Certified Management Consultants Act
- Change of Name Act
- Chartered Professional Accountants Act
- Child Abduction Act
- Child Pornography Reporting Act
- Children and Family Services Act
- Chiropractic Act
- Civil Forfeiture Act
- Civil Service Act
- Civil Service Collective Bargaining Act
- Class Proceedings Act
- Clean Nova Scotia Foundation Act
- Clothesline Act
- Coastal Protection Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Collection Act
- Collection Agencies Act (see Collection and Debt Management Agencies Act)
- Collection and Debt Management Agencies Act
- Combat Sports Authority Act
- Commercial Arbitration Act
- Commercial Mediation Act
- Common Fields Act
- Communications and Information Act
- Community Colleges Act
- Community Easements Act
- Community Economic Development Fund Act
- Community Interest Companies Act
- Community of Sackville Landfill Compensation Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 8 (in force April 1, 2025) - Community Spirit Act
- Companies Act
- Companies Winding Up Act
- Compensation for Victims of Crime Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Condominium Act
- Confederation Centenary Celebration Act (1961, c. 2) (not consolidated)
- Conflict of Interest Act
- Conseil scolaire acadien provincial Act Loi sur le Conseil scolaire acadien provincial
» bilingual version English version French version
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 9, 10 (in force April 1, 2025) - Conservation Easements Act
- Constables' Protection Act
- Constitutional Questions Act
- Construction Projects Labour Relations Act
- Consumer Creditors' Conduct Act
- Consumer Protection Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 11, 12 (in force April 1, 2025) - Consumer Reporting Act
- Consumer Services Act
- Continuing Care Assistants Registry Act
- Contributory Negligence Act
- Controverted Elections Act
- Conveyancing Act
- Co-operative Associations Act
- Co-ordinated Home Care Act
- Corporation Capital Tax Act
- Corporations Miscellaneous Provisions Act
- Corporations Registration Act
- Corporations Tax Act (R.S. 1967, c. 61) (extant provisions inoperative by virtue of Chapter 458 of the Revised Statutes, 1989, the Tax Collection Agreement (1961) Act)
- Correctional Services Act
- Corrections Act
- Cosmetology Act
- Cost of Living Bonus to Certain Annuitants and Pensioners, An Act to Provide for the Payment of a (1948, c.6) (not consolidated)
- Costs and Fees Act
- Council of Maritime Premiers Act
- Counselling Therapists Act
- Court and Administrative Reform Act
- Court Houses and Lockup Houses Act
- Court Jurisdiction and Proceedings Transfer Act
- Court Officials Act
- Court Security Act
- Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council Act
- Credit Union Act
- Creditors' Relief Act
- Criminal Notoriety Act
- Crop and Livestock Insurance Act
- Cross-border Policing Act
- Crown Lands Act
- Dairy Industry Act
- Dalhousie University-Nova Scotia Agricultural College Merger Act
- Dalhousie-Technical University Amalgamation Act
- Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
- Day Care Act (see Early Learning and Child Care Act)
- Defamation Act
- Defence Establishment Tax Act, An Act to Repeal Chapter 73 of the Revised Statutes 1967, the (1970-71, c. 36) (not consolidated)
- Degree Granting Act
- Demise of the Crown Act
- Democracy 250 Act
- Dental Act
- Dental Association Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Dental Hygienists Act
- Dental Technicians Act
- Denturists Act
- Descent of Property Act (R.S. 1954, c. 69) (not consolidated)
- Deuterium of Canada Act (1966, c. 6) (not consolidated)
- Dietitians Act
- Digby County Power Board and the Electric Utilities of the Municipality of the District of Digby, the Municipality of the District of Clare, the Town of Digby and the Village of Weymouth, An Act Relating to the (1980, c. 4) (not consolidated)
- Direct Sellers' Licensing and Regulation Act (see Direct Sellers' Regulation Act)
- Direct Sellers' Regulation Act
- Dismantling Racism and Hate Act
- Dispensing Opticians Act
- Ditches and Water Courses Act
- Doctors Nova Scotia Act
- Domestic Violence Intervention Act
- Dominion Coal Workers Relief Association and the Successor of the Eastern and Chartered Trust Company, An Act to Extend the Agency Agreement between the (1983, c. 89) (not consolidated)
- Dominion Coal Workers Relief Association, An Act to Dissolve the (1984, c. 13) (not consolidated)
- Early Learning and Child Care Act
- Economic Council Act
- Education Act
- Education Amendments (1994) Act
- Education Reform (2018) Act*
- Elections Act
- Electoral Boundaries (1992) Confirmation Act
- Electrical Installation and Inspection Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Electricity Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 15, 16 & 18-20 (in force April 1, 2025) - Electricity Efficiency and Conservation Restructuring (2014) Act
- Electricity Plan Implementation (2015) Act
- Electronic Commerce Act
- Elevators and Lifts Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Emancipation Day Act
- Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act
- Emergency "911" Act
- Emergency Department Accountability Act
- Emergency Health Services Act
- Emergency Management Act
- Emergency Measures Act (see Emergency Management Act)
- Emergency Preparedness and Nova Scotia Guard Act (s. 7 not proclaimed in force)
- Employment Support and Income Assistance Act
- Endangered Species Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 22 (in force April 1, 2025) - Endometriosis Awareness Month Act
- Energy and Mineral Resources Conservation Act (see Energy Resources Conservation Act)
- Energy and Regulatory Boards Act* (in force April 1, 2025)
- Energy-efficient Appliances Act
- Energy Reform (2024) Act*
- Energy Resources Conservation Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 23 (in force April 1, 2025) - Enforcement of Canadian Judgments and Decrees Act
- Enforcement of Court Orders Act
- Engineering Profession Act
- Environment Act
amended 2022, c. 46*, ss. 1, 2(1), 4(1) & 6 - Environmental Goals and Climate Change Reduction Act
- Equity Tax Credit Act
- Escheats Act
- Essential Health and Community Services Act
- Essential Home-support Services (2014) Act
- Estate Actions Act
- Evidence Act
- Exchequer Courts of Canada, Supreme and (see Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada)
- Executive Council Act
- Exhibition Grounds in the Town of Truro, An Act Respecting the (1943, c. 9) (not consolidated)
- Expropriation Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 24, 25 (in force April 1, 2025) - Factors Act
- Fair Drug Pricing Act
- Fair Registration Practices Act
- Family Court Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Family Maintenance Act (see Maintenance and Custody Act)
- Family Orders Information Release Act
- Farm Machinery Dealers and Vendors Act
- Farm Practices Act
- Farm Registration Act
- Farmers' Fruit, Produce and Warehouse Associations Act
- Fatal Injuries Act
- Fatality Investigations Act
- February Holiday Act
- Federal-Provincial Power Act
- Federations of Agriculture Act
- Fees Act
- Fences and Detention of Stray Livestock Act
- Ferries Act
- Fête provinciale des Acadiens et des Acadiennes, Loi sur la Provincial Acadian Day Act*
- Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Film Nova Scotia Act (see Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia Act)
- Finance Act
- Fire Safety Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 26, 27 (in force April 1, 2025) - First Responders Day Act
- First Responders Road Safety Awareness Day Act
- Fish Harvester Organizations Support Act
- Fish Harvesters Registration and Certification Board Act
- Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
- Flea Markets Regulation Act
- Flight 111 Special Places Memorial Act
- Floral Emblem Act
- Forest Enhancement Act
- Foresters Association Act
- Forests Act
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- French-language Services Act Loi sur les services en français
- Fuel Oil Tax Act (R.S. 1967, c. 115) (not proclaimed in force)
- Fur Industry Act
- Gaelic College Foundation Act
- Gaming Control Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 28, 29 (in force April 1, 2025) - Gas Distribution Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 30-32 (in force April 1, 2025) - Gas Distribution System Municipal Taxation Act
- Gemstone Emblem Act
- Geoscience Profession Act
- German Settlers Day Act
- Gift Tax, An Act to Provide for (1972, c. 9) (not consolidated)
- Gold Clauses Act
- "Good Samaritan" -- see Volunteer Services Act
- Government Annuities Act
- Government Records Act
- Grand Lake Rearing Ponds at Grand Lake, in the County of Halifax, An Act Respecting the (1937, c. 10) (not consolidated)
- Ground Ambulance Services Act
- Guardianship Act
- Gulf Oil Canada Limited Tax Sharing Act (1981, c. 4) (not consolidated)
- Gunshot Wounds Mandatory Reporting Act
- Gypsum Mining Income Tax Act
- Halifax Convention Centre Act
- Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 33 (in force April 1, 2025) - Halifax Public Gardens Protection Act
- Halifax Regional Municipality Charter
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 34-37 (in force April 1, 2025) - Halifax Regional Water Commission Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 38, 39 (in force April 1, 2025) - Halifax Relief Commission Dissolution Act (1976, c. 10) (not consolidated)
- Handicapped Persons' Education Act (see Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority Act)
- Health Act
- Health Authorities Act
- Health Professional Associations Continuation Act* (Schs. A & B not proclaimed in force)
- Health Protection Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 40 (in force April 1, 2025) - Health Services and Insurance Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Healthcare Services Continuation (2001) Act
- Heritage Property Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 41 (in force April 1, 2025) - Highway 104 Western Alignment Act
- Highway Coach Moratorium Act
- Highway Workers Collective Bargaining Act
- Holocaust Memorial Day Act
- Homemakers' Services Act
- Homeowner Protection Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Homes for Special Care Act
- Hospital Education Assistance Act
- Hospitality Institute of Nova Scotia Act (1981, c. 6) (not proclaimed in force)
- Hospitals Act
- House of Assembly Act
- House of Assembly Management Commission Act
- House of Assembly Tartan Act
- Housing and Rentals Act
- Housing Development Corporation Act (see Housing Nova Scotia Act)
- Housing in the Halifax Regional Municipality Act
- Housing Nova Scotia Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Housing Supply and Services Act
- Human Organ and Tissue Donation Act
- Human Rights Act Loi sur les droits de la personne (traduction officieuse)
- Imitation Dairy Products Act
- Importation of Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater Prohibition Act
- Income Tax Act
- Indian Lands Act
- Industrial Estates Limited Act
- Industrial Loan Act
- Industrial Property Act
- Industry Closing Act
- Institute on Learning Disabilities Act (1989, c. 7) (not proclaimed in force)
- Insurance Act
- Insurance Premiums Tax Act
- Insurance (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1932 (1932, c. 4) (not proclaimed in force)
- Insured Health Services Act* (not proclaimed in force)
amended 2014, c. 32*, ss. 133, 134 - Intercountry Adoption Act
- Interest on Judgments Act
- Interim Residential Rental Increase Cap Act
- Interior Designers Act
- Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act
- International Commercial Arbitration Act
- International Interests in Mobile Aircraft Equipment Act
- International Sale of Goods Act
- International Trusts Act
- International Wills Act
- Interpretation Act
- Interprovincial Subpoena Act
- Intestate Succession Act
- Intimate Images and Cyber-protection Act
- Intimate Partner Violence Epidemic Act
- Invest Nova Scotia Act
- Invest Nova Scotia Board Act (renamed Community Economic Development Fund Act)
- Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment Act
- Joint Regional Transportation Agency Act
- Judges of Provincial Court Act (see Provincial Court Act)
- Judgment Recovery (N.S.) Ltd Act
- Judicature Act
- Judicial Disqualifications Removal Act
- Juries Act
- Justices of the Peace Act
- Kedgemakooge, An Act Relating to Lands for a National Park in the District of (1965, c. 10) (not consolidated)
- Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre Act (not repealed)
- Kings Regional Rehabilitation Centre Continuation Act
- Labour Board Act
- Labour Standards Code
amended 2024, c. 10*, ss. 2-10 (effective January 1, 2025) - Land Actions Venue Act
- Land Registration Act
- Land Surveyors Act
- Land Titles Clarification Act
- Language Schools Act
- Legal Aid Act
- Legal Profession Act
- Legislative Council, Abolition of
- Liberty of the Subject Act
- Libraries Act
- Library Associations and Institutes Act
- Licences, Permits, Registrations and Certifications Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Liens Act* (not proclaimed in force)
amended 2003, c. 3*, s. 7 - Lieutenant Governor and Great Seal Act
- Life Partners in Long-term Care Act
- Limitation of Actions Act (see also Real Property Limitations Act)
- Limited Partnerships Act
- Liquor Control Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 42, 43 (in force April 1, 2025) - Liverpool Agreement Act, Town of (1961, c. 11) (not consolidated)
- Livestock Health Services Act
- Lobbyists' Registration Act
- Long Term Disability Plan Ratification Act
- Lord's Day (Nova Scotia) Act (R.S. 1967, c. 172) (not consolidated)
- Maintenance and Custody Act (see Parenting and Support Act)
- Maintenance Enforcement Act
- Mandatory Testing and Disclosure Act
- Margarine Act
- Marine Renewable-energy Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 44 (in force April 1, 2025) - Mariners' Day Act
- Maritime Economic Cooperation Act
- Maritime Link Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 45-47 (in force April 1, 2025) - Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act (see Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act)
- Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission Act
- Marketable Titles Act
- Marriage Act
- Massage Therapist Titles Protection Act
- Matrimonial Property Act
- Meat Inspection Act
- Mechanics' Lien Act (see Builders' Lien Act)
- Medal of Bravery Act
- Medical Act
- Medical Certificates for Employee Absence Act
- Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Professionals Act
- Medical Laboratory Technology Act
- Medical Professional Corporations Act
- Medical Services Act
- Medical Society Act (see Doctors Nova Scotia Act)
- Members and Public Employees Disclosure Act
- Members' Retiring Allowances Act
- Midwifery Act
- Mi'kmaq Education Act
- Mi'kmaw Language Act
- Mineral Resources Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 48 (in force April 1, 2025) - Miners' Relief Societies Act
- Mining Companies Easements Act
- Missing Persons Act
- Money-lenders Act
- Montreal Trust Company of Canada Act
- More Access to Energy Act
- Mortgage Regulation Act
- Motor Carrier Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 49 (in force April 1, 2025) - Motor Vehicle Act
- Multiculturalism Act
- Municipal and Other Authorities Pension Plan Transfer Act
- Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
- Municipal Elections Act
- Municipal Finance Corporation Dissolution Act
- Municipal Fiscal Year Act
- Municipal Government Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 50, 51 (in force April 1, 2025) - Municipal Grants Act
- Municipal Housing Corporations Act
- Municipal Loan and Building Fund Act
- Mutual Insurance Companies Act
- National Park in Nova Scotia, An Act to provide for establishing a (1935, c. 11) (not consolidated)
- Natural Products Act
- Naturopathic Doctors Act
- NewPage Port Hawkesbury Pension Plans Act
- Newspapers and Periodicals Subscription Act
- Night Courts Act
- Non-essential Pesticides Control Act
- Non-resident Deed Transfer and Property Taxes Act (see Non-resident Deed Transfer Tax Act)
- Non-resident Deed Transfer Tax Act
- North American Labor Cooperation Agreement Implementation Act
- Notaries and Commissioners Act
- Nova Scotia Association of Health Organizations, An Act to Incorporate
- Nova Scotia Development Limited, An Act to Incorporate (1957, c. 5) (not consolidated) (not proclaimed in force)
- Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation Act (see Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia Act)
- Nova Scotia Housing Commission and Certain Lands thereof Situate at Sackville in the County of Halifax, An Act Relating to a Subdivision of Lands of the (1974, c. 7) (not consolidated)
- Nova Scotia Jobs Fund Act
- Nova Scotia Museum Act
- Nova Scotia Old Age Pensions Act (1931, c. 2) (not consolidated)
- Nova Scotia Pension Services Corporation Act
- Nova Scotia Power Finance Corporation Act
- Nova Scotia Power Privatization Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 52 (in force April 1, 2025) - Nova Scotia Power Reorganization (1998) Act
- Nova Scotia Sanatorium Act (R.S. 1967, c. 212) (not consolidated)
- Nova Scotia Tartan Act
- Nova Scotia Teachers College Foundation Act
- Nova Scotia Wine Authority Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Nursing Act
- Oak Island Treasure Act
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
amended 2024, c. 10*, ss. 11, 13 & 18 (effective September 1, 2025) - Occupational Therapists Act
- Occupiers' Liability Act
- Off-highway Vehicles Act
- Office for Children and Youth Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Official Tree Act
- Offshore Petroleum Resources Act (1987, c. 8) (not proclaimed in force)
- Offshore Petroleum Royalty Act
- Oil and Gas Agreement Act (1983, c. 8) (not proclaimed in force)
- Oil and Gas Operations (Nova Scotia) Act (1987, c. 10) (not proclaimed in force)
- Oil Refineries and L.N.G. Plants Municipal Taxation Act
- Ombudsman Act
- Opioid Damages and Health-care Costs Recovery Act
- Optometrists Association Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Optometry Act
- Order of Nova Scotia Act
- Otter Lake Landfill Act*
- Overholding Tenants Act
- Parenting and Support Act
- Parks Development Act
- Partition Act
- Partnership Act
- Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act
- Patient Access to Care Act
- Patient Safety Act
- Patients' Abandoned Property Act
- Pay Equity Act
- Payment into Court Act
- Peggy's Cove Commission Act
- Pension Benefits Act
amended 2024, c. 3*, Part XIV (in force April 1, 2025) - Pension Plan Registration Act (1968, c. 11) (not proclaimed in force)
- Pensions for Certain Officials, An Act respecting (1918, c. 22) (not consolidated)
- Perennia Food and Agriculture Corporation Act
- Perpetuities Act
- Personal Directives Act
- Personal Health Information Act
- Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act
- Personal Property Security Act
- Petroleum Products Allocation Act (1974, c. 8) (not proclaimed in force)
- Petroleum Products Pricing Act
- Petroleum Resources Act
- Petroleum Resources Removal Permit Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 53, 54 (in force April 1, 2025) - Pharmacy Act
- Physiotherapy Act
- Pictou County Power Board, An Act Relating to the (1964, c. 9) (not consolidated)
- Pipeline Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 55 (in force April 1, 2025) - Pipeline Valuation Act (1985, c. 4) (not proclaimed in force)
- Plastic Bags Reduction Act
- Pledging of Service Emblems Act
- Point Tupper in the County of Richmond, An Act Respecting Certain Lands at (1960, c. 11) (not consolidated)
- Police Act
- Police and Peace Officers' Memorial Day Act
- Police Identity Management Act
- Police Services Act
- Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act
- Potato Industry Act
- Poverty Reduction Working Group Act
- Power Corporation Act (see Nova Scotia Power Finance Corporation Act)
- Powers of Attorney Act
- Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Act
- Pre-primary Education Act
- Prescription Monitoring Act
- Preston Area Housing Act
- Presumption of Death Act
- Primary Forest Products Marketing Act
- Privacy Review Officer Act
- Private Career Colleges Act
- Private Career Colleges Regulation Act (see Private Career Colleges Act)
- Private Investigators and Private Guards Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Private Investment Holding Companies Act
- Private Sector Pension Plan Transfer Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Private Ways Act
- Probate Act
- Proceedings against the Crown Act
- Professional Planners Act
- Property Valuation Services Corporation Act
- Protecting Access to Health Services Act
- Protecting Access to Reproductive Health Care Act
- Protection for Persons in Care Act
- Protection from Illegal Drugs Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Protection of Property Act
- Provincial Acadian Day Act Loi sur la Fête provinciale des Acadiens et des Acadiennes
- Provincial Berry Act
- Provincial Bird Act
- Provincial Court Act
- Provincial Dog Act
- Provincial Exhibition Association Act, The (1923, c. 6) (not proclaimed in force)
- Provincial Fish Act
- Provincial Flag Act
- Provincial Fossil Act
- Provincial Horse Act
- Provincial Lichen Act
- Provincial Mineral Act
- Provincial Parks Act
- Provincial Soil Act
- Provincial Sport Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Psychologists Act
- Public Archives Act
- Public Highways Act
- Public Inquiries Act
- Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 56 (in force April 1, 2025) - Public Offices and Officers Act (see Court Officials Act)
- Public Procurement Act
- Public Prosecutions Act
- Public School Administrators Employment Relations Act
- Public Sector Compensation (1994-97) Act
- Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act
- Public Sector Compensation Restraint Act
- Public Sector Lobbyists Act
- Public Service Act
- Public Service Superannuation Act
- Public Services Sustainability (2015) Act
- Public Subscriptions Act
- Public Trustee Act
- Public Utilities Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 57(a)-(c) & (f)-(i), 58, 59, 61-71, 73-75, 76(1), 77-91 & 93-95 (in force April 1, 2025) - Purchasing Management Association of Canada Act
- Quality-improvement Information Protection Act
- Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Expansion Act
- Queen's Printer Act (1978-79, c. 6) (not proclaimed in force)
- Quieting Titles Act
- Railways Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 97 (in force April 1, 2025) - Real Estate Appraisers Act
- Real Estate Trading Act
- Real Property Act
- Real Property Limitations Act
- Real Property Transfer Validation Act
- Reciprocal Enforcement of Custody Orders Act
- Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act
- Region of Windsor and West Hants Municipality Act
- Regional Community Development Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Registered Barbers Act
- Registry Act
- Regulated Health Professions Act
- Regulated Health Professions Network Act
- Regulations Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 98 (in force April 1, 2025) - Regulatory Accountability and Reporting Act
- Religious and Charitable Corporations Property Act
- Religious Congregations and Societies Act
- Remembrance Day Act
- Remission of Penalties Act
- Rental Act (1959, c. 8) (not consolidated)
- Rental Property Conversion Act
- Research Nova Scotia Corporation Act
- Residential Tenancies Act
- Respiratory Therapists Act
- Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act
- Retail Business Uniform Closing Day Act
- Revenue Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 99 (in force April 1, 2025) - Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1954, An Act Respecting the (1955, c. 2) (not consolidated)
- Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1967, An Act Respecting the (1968, c. 2) (not consolidated)
- Revision of the Public Statutes of the Province, An Act to Provide for the Consolidation and (1921, c. 12) (not consolidated)
- Richmond Port Hawkesbury Paper GP Ltd. Taxation Act
- Richmond Stora Enso Taxation Act (see Richmond Port Hawkesbury Paper GP Ltd. Taxation Act)
- Riverport Electric Light Act for Polling District No. 2, in the County of Lunenburg, The
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 100 (in force April 1, 2025) - Road Trails Act
- Royal Trust Corporation of Canada Act
- Rural Fire District Act
- Rural Telephone Act
- Safe Body Art Act
- Safe Collection of Scrap Metal Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act
- Safer Needles in Healthcare Workplaces Act
- Sale of Goods Act
- Sale of Land Under Execution Act
- Sales Tax Act
- Scalers Act
- Schooner Bluenose Foundation Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Scott Maritimes Limited Agreement (1965) Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Sea, Army, Air and Navy League Cadets Day Act
- Seamen's Memorial Day Act
- Securities Act
- Securities Transfer Act
- Security and Investigative Services Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Self-managed Support-care Act
- Senior Citizens' Property Tax Rebate Act
- Senior Citizens' Secretariat Act
- Senior Citizens' Social Services Act
- Senior Citizens' Week Act
- Service Dog Act
- services en français, Loi sur les French-language Services Act
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Protection Act
- Shared Services Act
- Sheep Protection Act
- Sheep Protection and Dog Regulation Act (see Sheep Protection Act)
- Sherbrooke Restoration Commission Act
- Short-term Rentals Registration Act
- Sickle Cell Awareness Day Act
- Silver Dart 100th Anniversary Act
- Small Claims Court Act
- Smoke-free Places Act
- Snow Sport Helmet Act
- Social Assistance Act
- Social Services Councils Act
- Social Workers Act
- Societies Act Loi sur les associations (traduction officieuse)
- Solemnization of Marriage Act (see Marriage Act)
- Special Places Protection Act
- Statistics Act
- Status of the Artist Act
- Statute of Frauds
- Statute of Limitations (see Limitation of Actions Act)
- Statute Revision Act, 1951 (1951, c. 9) (not consolidated)
- Statute Revision Act, 1964 (1964, c. 11) (not consolidated)
- Statute Revision Act
- Storage Warehouse Keepers Act
- Strait of Canso Petroleum Storage Tax Agreement Act (1978-79, c. 8) (not consolidated) (not proclaimed in force)
- Stronger Workplaces for Nova Scotia Act*
- Student Aid Act
- Submarine Coal Mine Areas in the County of Cape Breton, An Act to Repeal Chapter 11 of the Acts of 1908, An Act relating to (1951, c. 25) (not consolidated)
- Subsurface Energy Storage Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 101 (in force April 1, 2025) - Succession Duties, An Act Respecting (1972, c. 17) (not consolidated)
- Summary Proceedings Act
- Supreme and Exchequer Courts of Canada
- Sureties Act
- Surplus Crown Property Disposal Act
- Surveys Act (1970-71, c. 20) (not proclaimed in force)
- Survival of Actions Act
- Survivorship Act
- Sydney Steel Corporation Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Sydney Steel Corporation Sale Act
- Tanning Beds Act
- Tax Collection Agreement (1961) Act
- TD Trust Company Act, 1993
- Teachers' Collective Bargaining Act
- Teachers' Pension Act
- Teachers' Professional Agreement and Classroom Improvements (2017) Act
- Teaching Profession Act
- Technical Safety Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, s. 102 (in force April 1, 2025) - Tenancies and Distress for Rent Act
- Testators' Family Maintenance Act
- Theatres and Amusements Act
amended 2024, c. 2*, ss. 103, 104 (in force April 1, 2025) - Ticket of Leave Act
- Time Definition Act
- Tobacco Access Act
- Tobacco Damages and Health-care Costs Recovery Act
- Tortfeasors Act
- Tourism Nova Scotia Dissolution Act
- Tourist Accommodations Registration Act (see Short-term Rentals Registration Act)
- Trade Union Act
- Traffic Safety Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Trails Act
- Trust and Loan Companies Act
- Trustee Act
- Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act
- Unclaimed Articles Act
- Unconscionable Transactions Relief Act
- Underground Hydrocarbons Storage Act (renamed Subsurface Energy Storage Act)
- Undersea Coal Mines Regulation Act
- Université Sainte-Anne Act Loi de l'Université Sainte-Anne
- Université Sainte-Anne - Collège de l'Acadie Act Loi sur l'Université Sainte-Anne - Collège de l'Acadie
- Universities Accountability and Sustainability Act
- University College of Cape Breton Act (see Cape Breton University Act)
- University Foundations Act
- University Pension Plan Transfer Act
- Unsightly Premises Act
- Uranium Exploration and Mining Prohibition Act
- Utility and Review Board Act (repealed; repeal in force April 1, 2025)
- Validity of Certain Marriages, A Bill to Preclude Doubts as to the (1925, c. 9) (not consolidated)
- Variation of Trusts Act
- Vendors and Purchasers Act
- Venture Corporations Act
- Vessel Subsidy Act
- Veterinary Medical Act
- Victims' Rights and Services Act
- Video Lottery Terminals Moratorium Act
- Vital Statistics Act
- Voluntary Carbon Emissions Offset Fund Act* (not proclaimed in force)
- Volunteer Fire and Ground Search and Rescue Services Act
- Volunteer Fire Services Act (see Volunteer Fire and Ground Search and Rescue Services Act)
- Volunteer Protection Act
- Volunteer Services Act
- Warehouse Receipts Act
- Warehousemen's Lien Act (repealed; repeal not proclaimed in force)
- Water Act
- Water Resources Protection Act
- Weed Control Act (see Agricultural Weed Control Act)
- Wharves and Public Landings Act
- Wilderness Areas Protection Act
- Wildlife Act
- William Davis Miners' Memorial Day Act
- Wills Act
- Wind Turbine Facilities Municipal Taxation Act
- Women's Institutes Act
- Woodmen's Lien Act
- Workers' Compensation Act
amended 2024, c. 10*, ss. 20, 21 (effective July 15, 2025) - Youth Justice Act
- Youth Secretariat Act
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2024 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Updated December 12, 2024. Send comments to