Social Media
The Nova Scotia Legislature has four official social media channels: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Our channels are impartial information resources containing authoritative and factual information on legislative activities.
The following hashtags are commonly used in our X posts:
#nsleg | House and committee business, proceedings, procedure, reports of legislative offices and officers. |
#nsbdgt[YY] | Provincial budget (e.g. #nsbdgt25). |
#HAMC | House of Assembly Management Commission |
#SCRE | Special Committee to Review the Estimates of the Auditor General and the Chief Electoral Officer |
#NSCS | Community Services Committee |
#NSHL | Health Committee |
#NSHR | Human Resources Committee |
#NSND | Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee |
#NSPA | Public Accounts Committee |
#NSVA | Veterans Affairs Committee |
#LACM | Law Amendments Committee |
#PLBC | Private & Local Bills Committee |
#ProvinceHouse200 | 200th Anniversary of Province House |