Debates (Hansard)
Hansard is the official report of what was said in the House of Assembly.
Hansard Reporting Services is responsible for the compilation of a complete and accurate verbatim report of the debates of the House of Assembly, and of the proceedings of committees of the House as may be required both when the House is in session and between sessions. The Manager of Hansard and Editor of Debates is Mike Chandler.
Hansard Reporting Services
600-1800 Argyle Street
Halifax NS B3J 2V9
Phone: 902-424-7990
Fax: 902-424-0593
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Latest Assembly
64th General Assembly - PC
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
First Session | September 24, 2021 - Present | 64 |
Previous Assemblies (1994-2021)
63rd General Assembly - Liberal
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Third Session | March 9, 2021 - April 19, 2021 | 63 |
Second Session | September 6, 2018 - December 18, 2020 | 63 |
First Session | June 16, 2017 - September 6, 2018 | 63 |
62nd General Assembly - Liberal
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Third Session | October 13, 2016 - April 28, 2017 | 62 |
Second Session | September 25, 2014 - October 13, 2016 | 62 |
First Session | October 24, 2013 - September 25, 2014 | 62 |
61st General Assembly - NDP
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Fifth Session | March 26, 2013 - July 5, 2013 | 61 |
Fourth Session | March 29, 2012 - March 26, 2013 | 61 |
Third Session | March 31, 2011 - March 29, 2012 | 61 |
Second Session | March 25, 2010 - March 31, 2011 | 61 |
First Session | June 25, 2009 - March 25, 2010 | 61 |
60th General Assembly - PC
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Second Session | November 22, 2007 - May 4, 2009 | 60 |
First Session | June 29, 2006 - November 22, 2007 | 60 |
59th General Assembly - PC
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Second Session | May 4, 2006 - May 12, 2006 | 59 |
First Session | September 4, 2003 - May 4, 2006 | 59 |
58th General Assembly - PC
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Third Session | March 27, 2003 - May 22, 2003 | 58 |
Second Session | March 22, 2001 - March 27, 2003 | 58 |
First Session | August 20, 1999 - March 22, 2001 | 58 |
57th General Assembly - Liberal
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
First Session | May 21, 1998 - June 17, 1999 | 57 |
56th General Assembly - Liberal
Session | Sitting Dates | Assembly |
Sixth Session | November 20, 1997 - December 12, 1997 | 56 |
Fifth Session | April 10, 1997 - November 20, 1997 | 56 |
Fourth Session | March 28, 1996 - April 10, 1997 | 56 |
Third Session | March 30, 1995 - March 28, 1996 | 56 |
Second Session | April 12, 1994 - February 6, 1995 | 56 |
Reports Before 1994
View early debates and proceedings starting in 1855.