The following alphabetical list provides access to legislative publications available in electronic format created by the various legislative offices and divisions.
Auditor General
- Business plan (2008-)
- Follow-up implementation status: 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 audit recommendations(2011)
- Forensic investigation into the expense claims of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly (2010)
- Joint audit of Atlantic Lottery Corporation (2016)
- Office of Immigration economic stream of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program: special report to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly (2008)
- Office of Immigration economic stream of the Nova Scotia Nominee Program: phase two: special report to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly (2008)
- Pandemic preparedness: special report of the Auditor General to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly (2009)
- Performance report and business plan (2002-2006)
- Perspectives on climate change action in Canada : a collaborative report from auditors general March 2018
- Report of the Auditor General on the consolidated financial statements of the Province of Nova Scotia for the year ended March 31, 2003 and other financial reporting practices
- Report of the Auditor General to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly(1995-)
- Report of the Auditor General to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly: financial (2015-)
- Report of the Auditor General to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly: follow-up of recommendations (2016-)
- Report of the Auditor General to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly: Bluenose II restoration project (2015)
- Report on performance (2007-)
- Report to the Public Accounts Committee on Nova Scotia Power Corporation Wreck Cove Hydroelectric Project (1977)
- Review of MLA Samson’s entitlement to benefits as an outside member (2013)
- Strategic plan (2007)
Select Committees
Electoral Boundaries (1978)
- Report (1978)
Establishing an Electoral Boundaries Commission (1991)
- Report (1991)
Establishing an Electoral Boundaries Commission (2001)
- Proceedings (2001)
- Report (2001)
Establishing an Electoral Boundaries Commission (2011)
- Proceedings (2011)
- Rapport (2011)
- Report (2011)
Establishing an Electoral Boundaries Commission (2018)
Fire Safety
- Proceedings (2001)
- Report (2002)
House of Assembly Matters
- Electronic Hansard proposal (1990)
- A visual electronic Hansard system for the Nova Scotia House of Assembly: report (1990)
National Unity
- Proceedings (1997-1998)
- Report (1998)
Participation in the Democratic Process
- Proceedings (2007-2009)
- Report (draft) (2009)
Petroleum Product Pricing
- Proceedings (2004)
- Report (2004)
Rules and Procedures of the House of Assembly
- Interim report (1983, 1986, and1987)
- Interim report (1986)
Workers' Compensation Act
- Proceedings (1998)
- Report (1998)
Standing Committees
Assembly Matters
- Amendments recommended to rules and forms of procedure of the House of Assembly (1994)
- Amendments recommended to rules and forms of procedure of the House of Assembly (1995)
- Amendments recommended to rules and forms of procedure of the House of Assembly (1996)
Community Services
- Annual report (2000-)
- Proceedings (1998-)
- Socioeconomic impact of video lottery terminals: final report (1999)
Economic Development
- Annual report (1999-2018)
- Proceedings (1996-2018)
- Annual report (2019-)
- Proceedings (2019-)
Human Resources
- Annual report (2001-)
- Proceedings (1996-)
Law Amendments
- Proceedings (2017-)
Natural Resources and Economic Development
- Annual report (2018-)
- Proceedings (2019-)
Public Accounts
- Annual report (2000-)
- Proceedings (1996-)
- Annual report (1999-2018)
- Proceedings (1997-2018)
Veterans Affairs
- Annual report (1999-)
- Proceedings (1998-)
Whole House
- Proceedings (2000-)
Supply Subcommittee
- Proceedings (2000-)
Commission of Inquiry on Remuneration of Elected Provincial Officials
- Rapport : Commission d'enquête sur la rémunération des élus provinciaux (2006)
- Report (1986, 1989, 1990, 2003, 2006)
Conflict of Interest Commissioner
- Accommodation expenses review for Michel P. Samson (2013)
- Members’ disclosure statements (current)
- Rulings on alleged conflict of interest (2000-)
Elections Nova Scotia
- Annual report (2011-)
- Election returns (1887-1901, 2006-)
- Electoral districts of Nova Scotia (maps) (2007-2008)
- Electoral districts of Nova Scotia (maps) (2012)
- Handbook for the official agent of a candidate (2009)
- Nova Scotia provincial elections (1867-2011)
- Political contributions regime: annual report (2005-)
- Rapport annuel (2014-)
- Recommendations for legislative change: report of the Chief Electoral Officer (1993-2014)
- Recommended changes to the Elections Act (2013)
- Report and disposition of complaint dated June 9, 2009 against the Nova Scotia New Democratic Party
- Report on the investigation into breaches of the Elections Act in the Municipality of the County of Richmond (2017)
- Response to resolution no. 645 of the House of Assembly: report of the Chief Electoral Officer (2011)
- Transposition of votes from the 2009 Provincial General Election and subsequent by-elections to 2012 electoral district boundaries
- Political advertising during a Nova Scotia general election: important information for broadcasters, publishers, printers, candidates, registered parties and their official agents and third-party advertisers (2013)
Electoral Boundaries Commission 2012
- Interim report
- Pour une représentation juste et effective : rapport final
- Rapport d'étape
- Rapport d'étape révisé
- Revised interim report
- Toward fair and effective representation: final report
Electoral Boundaries Commission 2018
- Striking a balance between effective representation and voter parity: interim report : Interim Report
- Balancing Effective Representation with Voter Parity : Final Report
House of Assembly
- 175 facts about Province House (1994)
- Bringing politics to the people: phase 1, a conceptual proposal for the introduction of television to the Nova Scotia Legislature (1988)
- Constituency Office Barrier-free Compliance Plan (current)
- Debates (Hansard) (1855-)
- La Démocratie parlementaire en Nouvelle-Écosse : début et évolution (2011)
- Electoral district histories (current)
- First reading bills (1995-)
- Guidelines for official social media channels (current)
- House of Assembly (1977-1981)
- Index to journals (1758-1830)
- Index to local and private acts (1758-)
- Journals(1867-2008)
- Independent review of allowances and expenses of elected provincial officials: interim report (2010)
- The Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia, 1758-1983: a biographical directory (1984)
- Lignes directrices sur les comptes officiels de médias sociaux (actuel)
- Members' manual: assembly procedures and services (2010)
- Members' manual: members' compensation, expenses and constituency administration (2010-)
- MLA compensation / benefit changes (June 2009-2011)
- MLA pension benefit (current)
- MLA Remuneration Review Panel report (2014)
- MLA Remuneration Review Panel report (2022)
- Nova Scotia House of Assembly: seating arrangements of the Members in the Legislature (1957-)
- The Nova Scotia legislature: an overview of its procedures and practices (2006)
- Nova Scotia MLA pension review report (2011)
- Nova Scotia symbols = symboles de la Nouvelle-Écosse (2008)
- Parliamentary democracy in Nova Scotia: how it began, how it evolved (2009)
- Policy on the prevention and resolution of harassment in the workplace (2016)
- Province House : Halifax, Nouvelle-Écosse (1997)
- Province House: Halifax, Nova Scotia (1970, 2009)
- Province House, Nova Scotia: 200 years, 1819-2019 (2019)
- Statutes of Nova Scotia (1758 -)
- Television guidelines (1991)
- Television guidelines (current)
House of Assembly Management Commission
- Annual report (2011-)
- Minutes (2010-)
- Proceedings (2010-)
- Regulations (2010-)
Legislative Committees Office
- Overview (2017)
Legislative Counsel
- Rules and forms of procedure of the House of Assembly (1868-2021)
- Status of legislation of the House of Assembly of the Province of Nova Scotia (2011-)
Legislative Library
- Annual checklist: publications, Province of Nova Scotia (2012 -)
- Bookcase (2001-)
- Monthly checklist (1995)
Lieutenant Governor
- Speech from the Throne (1990, 2001-)
Office of the Clerk
- Notices of motion for resolutions (2007-)
- Orders of the day (2001-)
- Accountability report (2001-)
- Annual report (1995-)
- Avez-vous des préoccupations au sujet des services gouvernement aux provinciaux ou municipaux? (2010)
- Business plan (2003-)
- Child death review: final report (2014)
- Do you have concerns about provincial or municipal government services? (2010)
- French language services plan (2008-)
- Garanties de prêt des municipalité : rapport final (2011)
- Ke’kiru kijka’ tlewistunej (2010)
- Municipal loan guarantees: final report (2011)
- Municipality of the District of Guysborough, Department of Municipal Affairs: final report (2017)
- Municipality of the County of Richmond, Department of Municipal Affairs: final report (2016)
- Nous avons le temps de parler (2010)
- Nova Scotia Economic and Rural Development and Tourism: Cumberland Regional Development Authority: final report (2012)
- South West Shore Development Authority: final report (2010)
- We have time to talk (2010)
Speaker's Administration Office
- House of Assembly, Office of the Speaker: administrative review (2010)
- Members' monthly expenses (2010-)
- Members' six month summary expenses (2010-)
- MLA remuneration (2004-)
- Provincial update on the Auditor General recommendations: legislative services (2011-)
- Rémunération des membres de L’assemblée Législative (2008-2009)
- Members' Information Manual re a general election call (rev. April 15, 2021)
- Members' Manual: Members' Compensation, Expenses and Constituency Administration(2010-2023)