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We make every effort to accommodate visitors with special needs. If you have any questions about accessibility in the building, please contact security at (902) 424-8967 or

For more information on visiting Province House, please see Plan Your Visit.


Province House has two permanent accessible parking spaces on the grounds. Typically, public parking isn’t available on the grounds, but if you have business at Province House, you may request special access to these spaces from security when the House isn’t sitting.

Accessible parking is also available on nearby streets.

Getting around

Province House is wheelchair accessible. To access the building, enter the grounds on Hollis Street. A commissionaire will direct you to the ground-level accessible entrance at the back of the building. Additionally, there is a sign indicating the location of the accessible entrance.

The elevator provides access to the three main floors of the building making all public and most staff areas accessible. The elevator has Braille signage.

Accessible washrooms are located on the main floor of the building and on the second floor near the legislative chamber. When the House of Assembly is sitting, the second floor washrooms are not available to the public. The second floor washrooms have Braille signage.

Companion animals are welcome in any public area of the building.

Gallery access

The Speaker’s gallery is accessible, with space available for two wheelchairs. To access the gallery, take the elevator to the third floor, then take the ramp to the Speaker’s gallery, located on the north side of the building opposite the elevator.

Appearing before a committee

If you are appearing before the Law Amendments Committee or the Private and Local Bills Committee and have any questions related to accessibility, please contact the Legislative Counsel Office. Questions related to the Public Accounts Committee, which meets in the Legislative Chamber, can be directed to the Legislative Committees Office.

For information on attending committee meetings in the Committee Room at One Government Place, please see the Legislative Committees Office page.