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Statutes for Year 1999 (2nd Session) | Archived Statutes 1758 - 1997 | Search Statutes
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* - Bill was amended in committee

Statutes for Year: 1999 (2nd Session)

Chaptersort descending Name of Bill HTML
1 Costs and Fees Act and Probate Act (amended) HTML
2 Ground Ambulance Services Act* HTML
3 Appropriations Act, 1999 HTML
4 Chiropractic Act HTML
5 Financial Measures (1999) Act* HTML
6 Foresters Association Act HTML
7 Gemstone Emblem Act HTML
8 Justice Administration Amendment (1999) Act* HTML
9 Provincial Mineral Act HTML
10 Emergency "911" Act (amended)* HTML
11 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (amended)* HTML
12 Mineral Resources Act (amended)* HTML
13 Municipal Elections Act (amended)* HTML
14 Petroleum Resources Removal Permit Act (amended) HTML
15 Pharmacy Act (amended) HTML
16 Public Prosecutions Act (amended) HTML
17 Maritime Life Assurance Company Act (amended) HTML
18 Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company Limited Act (amended) HTML