BILL NO. 158

(as introduced)

4th Session, 61st General Assembly
Nova Scotia
61 Elizabeth II, 2012

Government Bill

Film Nova Scotia Act

The Honourable Percy A. Paris
Minister of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism

First Reading: November 30, 2012

(Explanatory Notes)

Second Reading: December 3, 2012

Third Reading: December 6, 2012 (LINK TO BILL AS PASSED)

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Explanatory Notes

Clause 1 changes the long title of the Film Nova Scotia Act.

Clause 2 changes the short title of the Act.

Clause 3

(a) changes references to "Film Nova Scotia" to read "Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia";

(b) adds definitions of "creative enterprise" and "creative industries"; and

(c) updates the title of the Minister responsible for the Act.

Clause 4 changes the name of Film Nova Scotia to "Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia".

Clause 5 expands the objects of Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia by including references to creative enterprises and creative industries.

Clause 6

(a) provides that the board of directors is composed of the Deputy Minister or his or her designate and up to twelve members appointed by the Governor in Council;

(b) changes "Chairman" to "Chair";

(c) allows the current Chair of the board of directors to be re-appointed for a single term not exceeding 3 years; and

(d) provides that the appointment of the President of Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia by the board of directors is subject to the written approval of the Minister.

Clause 7 expands Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia's power to render financial and other assistance to all creative industries in Nova Scotia.

Clause 8 changes the name of the Film Nova Scotia Fund and requires that the Fund be administered in accordance with the regulations made under the Act.

Clause 9

(a) requires Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia to prepare and submit to the Minister five-year strategic plans, annual business plans, annual reports analyzing the Corporation's performance, five-year evaluations of Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia's activities and other reports as specified by the Minister; and

(b) provides that employees of Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia may be appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Act.

Clause 10 adds a power to make regulations respecting the administration of the Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia Fund.

Clause 11 provides that a reference to Film Nova Scotia in any document or enactment is to be construed as a reference to Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia.

Clause 12 provides that the rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the Film Nova Scotia are unaffected by its change of name.

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An Act to Amend Chapter 20
of the Acts of 1990,
the Film Nova Scotia Act

Be it enacted by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1 The title of Chapter 20 of the Acts of 1990, the Film Nova Scotia Act, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film".

2 Section 1 of Chapter 20, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film".

3 Section 2 of Chapter 20, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by:

(a) adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film" in clause (b);

(b) adding immediately after clause (b) the following clauses:

(c) adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film" in the first and second lines of clause (d); and

(d) striking out "Development" in clause (e) and substituting "and Rural Development and Tourism".

4 Section 4 of Chapter 20, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film" in the second line.

5 Clauses 5(a) to (d) of Chapter 20 are repealed and the following clauses substituted:

6 (1) Subsection 6(1) of Chapter 20 is amended by striking out "such members as are" in the fourth line and substituting "the Deputy Minister of Economic and Rural Development and Tourism or a person designated by the Deputy Minister and up to twelve members".

(2) Subsection 6(2) of Chapter 20 is amended by striking out "Chairman" in the second line and substituting "Chair".

(3) Section 6 of Chapter 20 is further amended by adding after subsection (4) the following subsection:

(4) Subsection 6(8) of Chapter 20 is amended by adding ", subject to the written approval of the Minister," immediately after "shall" in the first line.

7 Clause 8(1)(c) of Chapter 20 is amended by

(a) striking out "the film and video industry" in the fifth line and substituting "creative industries"; and

(b) adding ", including the film, digital and audio-visual industries" immediately after "Province" in the last line.

8 (1) Subsection 9(1) of Chapter 20, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by adding "and Creative Industries" immediately after "Film" in the third and fourth lines.

(2) Section 9 of Chapter 20, as amended by Chapter 27 of the Acts of 2008, is further amended by adding immediately after subsection (1) the following subsection:

9 Chapter 20 is further amended by adding immediately after Section 14 the following Sections:

10 Subsection 16(1) of Chapter 20 is amended by adding immediately after clause (l) the following clause:

11 A reference in any enactment or document to Film Nova Scotia is, in respect of any subsequent transaction, matter or thing, to be held and construed to be a reference to Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia.

12 No rights, duties, obligations or liabilities of the Film Nova Scotia are in any way affected by the change of name made by this Act and those rights, duties, obligations and liabilities continue to be vested in and are binding upon it under the name "Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia".

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