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February 27, 2018
Standing Committees
Human Resources
Meeting summary: 

Committee Room
Granville Level
One Government Place
1700 Granville Street
Halifax NS

Meeting topics: 
Human Resources - Committee Room 1 (2289)













Tuesday, February 27, 2018








Appointments to Agencies, Boards and Commissions





Printed and Published by Nova Scotia Hansard Reporting Services












Mr. Ben Jessome (Chairman)

Ms. Suzanne Lohnes-Croft (Vice-Chairman)

Mr. Chuck Porter

Mr. Bill Horne

Ms. Rafah DiCostanzo

Hon. Pat Dunn

Ms. Elizabeth Smith-McCrossin

Hon. David Wilson

Ms. Claudia Chender


[Mr. Brad Johns replaced Ms. Elizabeth Smith McCrossin]

[Ms. Susan Leblanc replaced Ms. Claudia Chender]





In Attendance:


Ms. Judy Kavanagh

Legislative Committee Clerk


Mr. Gordon Hebb

Chief Legislative Counsel


















10:00 A.M.



Mr. Ben Jessome


MR. CHAIRMAN: Order, please. I call this meeting of the Human Resources Committee to order. We will begin with introductions.


            [The committee members introduced themselves.]


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Moving right along into committee business, we have some agency, board and commission appointments. Do I have a motion from the floor? Mr. Porter.


            MR. CHUCK PORTER: Mr. Chairman, under the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage, for the Eastern Counties Regional Library Board, I move that the appointment of Joseph Walsh as a member be approved.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any discussion on that motion? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.


            The motion is carried.


Mr. Porter.


MR. PORTER : Mr. Chairman, under the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, for the Council on African-Canadian Education, I move that the appointment of Sidney Idemudia as a member at large be approved.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any discussion? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.


            The motion is carried.


Mr. Porter.


            MR. PORTER: Mr. Chairman, under the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Loan Board of Nova Scotia, I move that the appointment of Mr. Sean Borden as a member be approved.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you, sir. Is there any discussion? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.


            The motion is carried.


            Ms. Dicostanzo.


            MS. RAFAH DICOSTANZO: Mr. Chairman, under the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, for the Acadia University Board of Governors, I move that the appointments of Susan Hayes, Sundeep Oad, and Christine Pound as members be approved.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any discussion? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.


            The motion is carried.


Ms. Dicostanzo.


            MS. DICOSTANZO: Mr. Chairman, for the Saint Mary’s University Board of Governors, I move that the appointments of Jamie MacNeil and Jane Roy as members be approved.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any discussion? Would all those in favour of the motion please say Aye. Contrary minded, Nay.


            The motion is carried.


            Thank you very much, folks. I just wanted to acknowledge that we did have some correspondence from the Department of Labour and Advanced Education, arising from our meeting of November 28th. Is there any discussion or commentary on that correspondence?


            Seeing none, this meeting is adjourned - oh, Mr. Dunn.


            HON. PAT DUNN: More curiosity than anything, my understanding is that the first three on our list today, there are still vacancies. I guess my question is, my expectation is that there would be more applications in for those positions and, if there is, why the delay in the appointments?


            MR. CHAIRMAN: I appreciate your question. I am not 100 per cent sure where that stands. That’s not something that I’m privy to at this point in time, but we can endeavour to ask that question. Mr. Porter.


            MR. PORTER: Just to Mr. Dunn’s point, maybe we could ask our committee clerk to either report or go back to see what the process is and, if she doesn’t have an answer today, maybe next month when we do meet, the process by way of where we are - and I’m not sure how much can be shared before it goes through to the Executive Council. I should know, I’ve been on this committee long enough over the years. But maybe just some clarification next month, if possible, unless there’s something she would like to clarify today.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: I think that’s agreeable.


            MR. PORTER : It would be good to get people appointed if they’re waiting to be appointed.


            Mr. Dunn.


            MR. DUNN: Yes, just as a follow-up, I’m sure the departments can clarify that very quickly if there are further applications in there and so on.


            MR. CHAIRMAN: Is there any further discussion?


            Seeing none, the meeting is adjourned.


            [The committee adjourned at 10:04 a.m.]